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Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Last Tango in Chiang Mai

Don't you find that there's always those quiet times when your attention turns to the creative side and longs for deep meaningful pursuits which will help to connect you with your inner soul.......the pure longing for a deeper truth which you somehow know is far closer to the 'real you'?

Well, here are some handy and interesting suggestions that may awaken your Well,creativity and you may want to explore further, .......especially if you happen to find yourself sitting below a Flame of the Forest tree in Chiang Mai.......
Mustachios are often a sign of creative genius......maybe that's why  Dali, Zorro, Freddie Mercury and  Hitler were all driven forward by that fertility festering on their upper lips.  If YOU can't seem to grow a decent one, never fear - just turn to nature and choose the seed pod that best suits your outfit today!

Even grumpy old twits can look quite distinguished with some simple, natural embellishments

These days, it's often popular to exclude fascsitas - but all creatives regardless of political leanings are welcome here



Dance can often relieve the deepest  anxieties.......always try to include a quick Tango in your creative therapy session and it could do wonders to improve those good results that you're expecting.

A quick swap of seed pod could make a welcome change pushing you to new heights of achievement.


Just make sure there's enough of the raw material to go round your creative group.

There, that's an hour well spent in anyone's books!!

Coming soon: How to never miss out on a good chance to shut up!

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